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Cardiovascular disease is New Zealand's – and the world’s – number one killer.

The HRI’s mission is to prevent death and suffering from cardiovascular diseases, a complex array of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels.

We will address areas of unmet need in cardiovascular diseases including coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, preeclampsia, congenital heart disease and pulmonary vascular disease, as well as metabolic complications such as diabetes.

Specifically, our research programs will:

  • Provide greater understanding of the pathogenesis, development, and early detection of cardiovascular diseases
  • Develop new drug therapies and devices to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases and translate these through to clinical trials
  • Train the next generation of cardiovascular research leaders
  • Connect cardiovascular research communities to maximise collaboration and research translation.

Today’s research is tomorrow’s cure.


Every donation to the Heart Research Institute is an investment into the lives of millions.

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