What is personalised medicine and fluxomics?
Find out how fluxomics, an emerging technology, will help bring us one step closer to personalised treatments for cardiovascular disease.
The life-saving power of AEDs: automatic external defibrillators
With CPR and an automated external defibrillator (AED), you can help save a life in a cardiac arrest. Learn how easy it is to use one.
CPR guide: How to perform CPR
CPR is a life-saving skill that can be used in emergency situations such as a cardiac arrest.
Things people say about exercise that aren’t true
Here are nine common misconceptions about exercise and what research actually tells us.
Stress and the heart
Stress can affect the heart and your overall wellbeing. Here are some tips to better manage it.
What is a Mediterranean diet?
Find out what a Mediterranean diet is, how it can help your heart health and overall wellbeing, and easy ways to incorporate it into your diet.
We’re told to ‘eat a rainbow’ of fruit and vegetables. Here’s what each colour does in our body
Experts advise eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables. Here's what each colour does for our body and overall health.
Do we really need to walk 10,000 steps a day?
A target of 10,000 steps a day is often recommended, and it has been shown to improve heart health. Find out where this number came from and how to achieve it.
Don’t like drinking plain water? 10 healthy ideas for staying hydrated this summer
Maintaining hydration is a key component of good health, but if you don’t like drinking plain water, there are many ways to help you stay hydrated.